


       I am a student who just started study at university thus my adult life has just begun. From the rate of 1-5, I would like to rate myself as 2 because I am not satisfied with my current situation. Although I am not satisfied with myself now but I will not decadent, I always encourage myself to improve to become a better version of myself.
       I am talented at cooking so everytime I learn to cook new dishes from the recipe or tutorial video, I can quickly remember all the steps of cooking this dish and cook it out. For me, I feel that this skill is useful in my daily life. When I was in boarding school, because the food in the school canteen was horrible, I often cooked for my roommates. They always praise my dishes make them mouth water. During this pandemic, we are required to stay at home thus I take the responsibility to cook meals for my family. Then, I also learned to bake western desserts for my family members to clear the depressed mood of staying at home. 

      In addition, I am also good at editing videos or pictures. Every time I hang out with my friends, I will in charge of editing those photos we took and send it to them so that they can post better photos on their Instagram. During my leisure time, I will edit the highlights of the movies that I have watched and then add some special effects to make it look interesting, and then upload it to Tik Tok to let more people recognize this movie in order to promote nice movies to them.

      If I could update my current version, I hope that I can increase my self-discipline to have stricter control over myself. I hope I can stricter control my eating habit since I can't Resist the temptation of high-calorie food which has caused my weight to increase. Apart from this, I can more strictly control the time of using my mobile phone to prevent the effects of excessive using mobile phones. Besides, I hope that I can be more confident in my way of speaking or dressing without over-caring about other's opinions. If I can choose to have a talent, I choose to have the talent in the music aspect. Therefore, I have always wanted to master an instrument especially piano, because I enjoy listening to the piano piece. Listening to those graceful melodies, I regret that I didn’t learn piano when I was a child, and now I also missed the best time to learn it.


   Moreover, I have 2 things that I would like to achieve in my future life. I have a dream to have the opportunity to travel around the world especially every place in China without any financial concerns. Besides, I also wish to open a homestay by the sea and develop it into a unique homestay. I already have planned the design for my homestay in my mind. I hope that tourists that stay in my homestay able to see the sea view from their room and have different designs apart from other homestays. 






What is success? Is it to own territory? Is it to have power? Or have huge financial resources? Success is a term used to describe when one achieves a goal in life. As many people there are in the world, there are an equal amount of ways success is defined. When people talk about success, they will think of the reputation and great fortune naturally. In the long time, the screen image of successful person always connect with the position like CEO or the person who makes great difference. Actually, I think the definition of success is not just like the traditional idea. From my point of view, the measure of success lies in the positive attitude to life and the happiness ownsThese can't be bought by money, they are the most precious things in life. If a person lives the happy life, then he enjoys the success. However, no matter your the goal of success is to make more money or live a happy life, as long as you believe that there is no eternal success or eternal failure, only by constantly summing up the lessons of failure and accumulating bits of experience can you get more success.

I choose to write this topic because I want to express my different perspective throughout success, and also want to say to those who are struggling for their goal of success including me that if you use a pessimistic attitude to examine the path to success, you will lose your confidence in success, and you will never succeed. Besides, I want to encourage those who were knocked down on the road to success, please stand up, don't give up easily and continue to move towards the goal of success.

When we are in school, the teacher always tell us to learn hard, so as to make a lot of money and then become the successful person. But as I grow up, I realize that we have the limited impression about success. I have seen some rich people, who felt lost and did not know what they should fight for, or some people who get paid high but needed to overwork all the time. Of course, these people are successful according to the traditional opinion, but I think the ordinary people who live the happy life should be the part to be considered.

From parents perspective, they always define a success of their children by whether their children is holding an important post in the government, making a great deal of money and is having a high academic title at a famous university. 

I analyzed the meaning of success from different point, and also gave examples of different people’s perspective on this topic. It may be more deeper points I haven't listed yet but I have tried my best to express what I wanted to say about success. 



 List 3 concrete things I can do to improve myself over the next 3-6 months

Set a Schedule 📃

Customize a schedule, arrange daily activities according to the schedule to develop a regular eating habits and bedtime. Besides, arrange time to complete assignment in order to hand it in on time and flexible time to do self revision. It helps me to become a self-discipline person within 3 to 6 months.

Eat Healthier  🍴

Eat wider range of foods to make sure I'm getting a balanced diet and ensure my body is receiving all the nutrients it needs. Instead of eating junk food when I'm hungry after class, I should start replace it to eating fruits of salad. Apart from this, start to wake up early to have simple breakfast which is the most important meal of the day such as eating cereals to start my day.

Learn a new Language  💬

Encourage myself to learn a new language perhaps be Korean language since I'm keen on watching Korean drama. I know a little bit of Korean which I learn by watching drama however I think I should start-up on learning from the basics of this language such as its pronunciation and vowels. Hence, I will extract at least 1 hour a day to learn it.



 5 Characteristics that I need to be a better person 

Courage  🙋

I can be brave enough to face difficulties in life, however until now I still don’t know how to develop this character.

Relationship 👭

I have always lacked the experience of getting along with people, because I am a person who is only passionate to people that I familiar with thus people just met me feel that I am not easy to get along with. In addition, since most of my family members are  working abroad, our relationship is getting weaker and weaker. Hence, I want to try my best to maintain for our family relationship. I hope that I can have better understand on how to deal with people and I have already taken action on it.

Self-discipline  💪

I am a person that like to procrastination thus I often postpone to do the tasks until last minute. Besides, I also keep an irregular sleeping time so I hope I can be a little more self-disciplined and have a good schedule to become a better person.

Communication  💬

If I have good communication skills, I can communicate better with others. I’m not good at expressing so I often cannot express my ideas to others better. In addition, having good communication skills can make others feel that you are good to get along with, so that you can make more friends in order to expand your social circle. Last but no least, this character can also help me in my future college life and work.

Vision  👀

Nowadays, young generations including me lack of the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. For me, I think this character is useful with a view to be able to look things in a different perspective. This character usually needs long time to develop and I'm not forcing myself to have it immediately. 

Scale of 1-10 rate on myself on the 5 characteristics that I selected
  • Courage                (4)
  • Relationship          (7)
  • Self-discipline       (5)
  • Vision                    (4)