

 List 3 concrete things I can do to improve myself over the next 3-6 months

Set a Schedule 📃

Customize a schedule, arrange daily activities according to the schedule to develop a regular eating habits and bedtime. Besides, arrange time to complete assignment in order to hand it in on time and flexible time to do self revision. It helps me to become a self-discipline person within 3 to 6 months.

Eat Healthier  🍴

Eat wider range of foods to make sure I'm getting a balanced diet and ensure my body is receiving all the nutrients it needs. Instead of eating junk food when I'm hungry after class, I should start replace it to eating fruits of salad. Apart from this, start to wake up early to have simple breakfast which is the most important meal of the day such as eating cereals to start my day.

Learn a new Language  💬

Encourage myself to learn a new language perhaps be Korean language since I'm keen on watching Korean drama. I know a little bit of Korean which I learn by watching drama however I think I should start-up on learning from the basics of this language such as its pronunciation and vowels. Hence, I will extract at least 1 hour a day to learn it.

