




  Every people has different values and principles. For me, my top 3 values are education, respect and healthy. Besides, my top 3 principles are I never do things that against the law, I will never waste food and never shout at elders

    Over the past four weeks, I have lived up with the top three values and principles I hold in my daily life.  I have been attending classes on time and hand in all of my assignments before the due date. Besides, I always sacrificed my time on playing mobile phones to have greater time to carry out more revision on my weak subject which is Mathematics. Moreover, I think respecting others is important when dealing with people in daily life. Nevertheless, not only I will respect others and, but I also hope that others will respect me. For the previous weeks, I speak politely no matter who I talked to. Next, I value my health as well as the health of my family members. Three weeks ago, I take the role of pulling my family members to have a covid test. I get up every morning to prepare a nutritious breakfast for my parents and always remind them to take vitamins C every day to strengthen their body resistance. 

      My first principle is I never do things that against the law such as stealing things, murder others or selling drugs. Since things that violate the law are going to hurt others, my conscience does not allow me to do it. By the way, I stayed at home for the past 4 weeks all the time according to the MCO regulations. My second principle is I never waste things. The principle of not wasting is about so much more than food, it is about my lifestyle and how I use what God has created, what God has given to me. In the past 4 weeks, I ate all the food I bought, turn off the air conditioner when I’m not in the room, and I will use waste paper to write maths calculations. In the past, I have lived up with my third principle which I didn’t yell at my family members, and I always deal with my parents politely.

         These actions that present my principles and values are not purposely done by me, but I  follow them to control my actions in my life unconsciously. A person's values and principles will affect a person’s character and action. 

